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photo, Helen
Helen Ingeborg
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July 2024:   Two goals achieved at last! (1) Revised a 1994 booklet of my mother's writings. Selected Writings of Alice Erickson Ohlen, and (2) A booklet about my father's life in his new country – America. Skrädderan
October 2023:   Like the child I was years ago, I am still drawn to small size books. So, in spite of setbacks over the past few years, I've been creating chapbooks and tiny books using tales, rhymes and illustrations recently retrieved from my writing files.
My history of books . . .
       At three years of age, my mother encouraged me to print words on paper, and introduced me to the magic of water colors. By age nine or ten, I was making little paper books and "teaching school" to the dolls sitting against the pillow on my bed. In elementary school, fiction stories for extra credit flowed from my pencils and in college, I researched and wrote my final term paper about Christmas in Sweden, earning a Grade A result.

       In the mid-1980s, I revised that effort into my first self-published book, utilizing my typewriter, self-drawn line art illustrations and cut-and-paste methods for How to make a Swedish Christmas!. That book is still in print, and available from The Tomten Catalog in Minnesota. Books that followed were: Finding & Keeping Customers, A Small Business Handbook, and How to make Newsletters, Brochures, and Other Good Stuff without a Computer System. The latter reached number nine on Quality Books Top 40 list of sales to libraries, and served as an alternative "Pick of the Month" choice in the Writers Digest's Book Club catalog. Now, after decades of office work and family care giving, I am revisiting my love of writing, artwork and self-publishing.

       A memoir of my nearly thirty years of marriage to an insulin-dependent, Type 1, brittle diabetic (Diabetes by Marriage: A Memoir) is available on (paperback or eBook). And, my long-ago promise to publish what spirits wrote to me is finally in book form: Spirit Messages & Lessons. It reads like a diary or transcript of my questions to and answers from my spirit guides. See Update
 — Helen Ingeborg Gregory