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This book discloses the story of how my first husband and I met the urgencies and complications of his Type 1 diabetes. We met six years after his diagnosis (at age 21), and married the following year. He was, as it turns out, a brittle diabetic, meaning that insulin reactions (hypoglycemic attacks / insulin shock) came upon him without warning. Once his blood glucose (sugar) began to drop it plummeted, and he became like a brainless, confrontational drunk with a propensity for violence.
     It was the 1960's – no cell phones, no aid cars, no urgent care centers, no simple ways to test blood sugar levels. We, like other 20-somethings in that decade, headed to California to chase our dream. That's where this story begins, and where the commitment for survival is extremely tested. Throughout the urgencies of life-threatening events, we stood strong. We held jobs. We had hobbies, We traveled a bit. We went fishing. We went hunting. We built a cabin in the woods. And, along the way, we had dogs we loved and who loved us back.
     My husband's more serious health concerns showed up after he turned 43 years old – continued low-blood sugar attacks, fem-pop surgeries, a bleeding ulcer, congestive heart failure, amputation of one leg and the other two years later. I served as his caregiver, striving always to maintain his dignity. In 1992, I became his widow. Somehow now, 31 years after those challenging years of marriage, the good memories remain!
May this memoir give insight and hope to those on a similar journey. And please note, the management of diabetes is very much better now than it was in the 1960s-1990s.   ~ Helen ~

Diabetes by Marriage (Amazon review)

Diabetes by Marriage (Amazon review)

Idaho reader says . . .
"This book is captivating. The book is about one couple's challenges presented by Diabetes. It clearly defines life as seen through the eyes of a loving spouse.
        "This book starts with the plans and dreams of a young married couple and quickly evolves into life with a brittle diabetic. It is an eye opening and raw view of the impacts of diabetes and how it compounds other life challenges—a must read for families with a diabetic member. It is also a phenomenal read for anyone. It is full of life’s challenges, love, compassion and compromises. By page three you won’t set this book down . . . you will hang on for a ride you never imagined."
   —Michael Dolan
Washington published author says . . .
"Helen Gregory’s journey through marriage with a young diabetic will hook you in on page one and should give strength to all who cope with the emotional and physical challenges of this or any other progressive disease. It is the story of the courage and endurance of commitment and love—an ode to the caregivers who carry such vital and unrecognized burdens."
—Judith Kirscht, author of The Camera's Eye and Hawkins Lane
Arizona novel series writer says . . .
"A powerful memoir of love and loss, the tears, fears and laughter of living and caring for an insulin-dependent husband. Well-written…reads like a novel."
—Heidi M. Thomas, award-winning author of the “Cowgirl Dreams” and “American Dream” series, Cowgirl Up! A History of Women’s Rodeo, and The Secret of the Ice Castle & Other Inspirational Tales
Available at Amazon.com ... 2    Trade paper (6x9, 396 pages, $12.99)
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